Sunday, January 6, 2013

Mobile post #1!

I got the Girlie Glue in today!! Well I assume I may have received yesterday since today is Sunday but didn't check the mail box til now.
So not only did it arrive quickly, I also got a little teddy bear shaped hair accessory! Thanks!
I haven't tried it out but so looking forward to it.

This morning, I was also able to make a headband for my little missy! It took maybe 5-10 minutes but 20 for me since I didnt have all my supplies in one place. MY FIRST COMPLETED CRAFT!

Since then, my little girl has not wanted to be put down.

So, can you be a doll and do me a favor? Can you get my laundry out of the dryer and pick up after Molly and me?? Thanks, doll. ;)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy new year!

Hope everyone had a safe and fun NYE celebration. We visited family. Molly and I sat insideall night keeping warm. Honestly, I would have preferredto stay home and have a quiet new year celebration with my little family. But the families insisted on seeing little Molly. It was either visit them or have them come over. And any mommy or daddy of a newborn knows how upside down your home can be with a newborn. Lack of sleep equals lack of energy which results in little to no housework done. And, I can leave when I feel like. Today Miss Mol put up a fight with each nap. Maybe her way of wanting to stay awake for her 5 week bday? Already trying to show mommy she's a big girl. And her being in a celebratory mood, she "christened" our blankets during a diaper change. Unfortunately, this mama wasn't able to get nice newborn photos done. We didget the hospital photo but they spent minimal time and the photos weren't that great. I tried doing some on my own but never got her in the right mood at the right time. I was hoping for xmas the ed and send out greeting cards. Now, I want to get her 2 month photos done with a Valentines Day theme! I was thinking of making some Vday cards for family and friends.I'm hoping to take them myself. Wish me luck?? I have been browsing the web (pinterest and google images) for cute ideas and accessories. I have some ideas for headbands and bows. In case I'm unable to make the head piece I want, I just ordered some stuff called Girlie Glue to hold hair accessories on babys head without needing to clip onto baby hair or if baby doesn't have hair. Now Mol does have hair and before she was born, her daddy and I were guessing whose hair she would have: my coarse wavy unmanageable hair or his coarse curly hair, we both have dark brown almost black color hair. She surprised us with hair like Tio Bubba's! Fine, straight and medium brown! I tried butting bows in her hair but slip out as soon as I sit her up. I'm looking forward to getting the "hair glue" in the mail! Ordered it at I'll give a review when I try it out! Excited!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Thr Dreaded 8 o clock hour

My little one has a fussy hour. Does yours? Hers is 8 PM, everyday. I thought we were in the clear since she napped at different times than her usual schedule. 8:15- yay! We did it! Sound asleep 8:25- Molly screaming a horrible cry. It makes my heart ache when she cries this way. No bottle, paci, hold, sway cannot fix.the only thing that calms her for a few seconds is me making sounds. I've been trying to remember lyrics to all lullabys but whe ,n she cries uncontrollably, I draw blanks! And the only thing that comes out of my mouth is "Ma ma ma.. me me me" and she pauses and seems to stare at me with a confused expression. I can't help but laugh sometimes. My mouth got tired of saying "ma me" endlessly. DUH! There are other vowels! "Ma ma ma. Meh meh meh. Mi mi mi. Mo mo mo. Muh muh muh. And sometimes My my my." I bought myself afew more seconds! Right on! Well the 8 PM cryfest usually lasts and hour, hour fifteen tops. So come 9:15-ish, she had settled down. Still wide awake. My favorite time! I pulled out her little play mat, jungle gym looking thinger for the first time. Wow! She loved it! All the colors caught her attention. She was kicking and waving her arms frantically. Her eyes were wide with excitement! About 10 minutes later I she was getting pooped. I pulled her from under there to make sure play mat stays a happy and enjoyable place. 10:30, still awake and calm. I was liking it but I myself was wearing down. 11PMsweet! She is drifting off. Just enough energy to finish this post and occasionally pat her on her back to keep asleep. Time for this mama to nap! Good night world!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Coffee, company and formula

I commend all parents who deal or have dealt with a colicky baby. Miss molly has been constipated for a couple of days and she seems so uncomfortable! I wish I could take her pain away. I've tried all remedies and nurse suggestions after callling Ped's office. Nothing! But I have gotten her to relax with baths! She's asleep in my arms and I am happy she is getting rest. I on the other hand am craving coffee (coffee pot is on, its 10:47PM), soda,ice water all at the same time. On the thought of beverages, my little darling is formula fed. I was set on nursing her but it didn't pan out. By the second week I was stressed out and I'm sure that's what caused me to dry up. I had been supplementing with formula since day one. I hate all the negativity I've gotten from formula feeding. I felt horrible I had to admit that I need to give my baby formula because we couldn't latch, then I couldn't produce/pump enough- I didn't need nobody else to pile on the guilt! This being from nurses and all. Family was understanding, thankfully. On another note, my parents were over for dinner. Enjoyed the company. They enjoyed being in the presence of my baby girl. Well, off to hopefully pour myself a HOT cup of coffee and enjoy it HOT! I've made plenty pots of joe and molly thinks its the perfect time to wake up and demand to be held. Stale, cold coffee for me since she's been born.


Hello! My name is Krystal. I live in a small town in California. I have a new addition in my life. Her name is Molly Angel. Since she was born in November, I've wanted to share my happiness with the world! The amazing powers she has! She has a spell on me and I love it! She is four weeks old and growing so fast! I have wanted to start this blog for quite some time but there is no time. Well, maybe there is but I feel so consumed by it all. The first two weeks I was in a zombie state of mind. Her schedule was so off! But, now it seems she is getting a hang of the day/night deal. But when she is sound asleep, and I'm able to put her down, I assume I could get stuff done (laundry, dinner, cleaning..showering, eating) but I find myself sitting. Either enjoying the quiet me time or staring at her sleep peacefully. And before I know, she is up and my chances of doing anything are out the window. Right now I can only think of everything great because she is worth all and any frustrations. Her non stop crying at 2AM? All forgotten and forgiven when she is sound asleep in my arms at 4AM and she gives a side qwuirky smile. I am so in love with her. The perfect nose, long lashes and the roundest cherub cheeks this world has ever seen! Too mushy for you? Don't worry, I'm sure shit will get real, soon. ;)